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EU boosts anti-Ebola aid after Commissioners' mission to worst-hit countries
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EU boosts anti-Ebola aid after Commissioners' mission to worst-hit countries
Wed, 2014-11-19 02:13 — mike kraftEUROPEAN COMMISSION HUMANITARIAN AID DEPARTMENT Nov. 17, 2014
The European Union is continuing to scale up its response to the Ebola epidemic as its Coordinator for the emergency, Commissioner Christos Stylianides together with Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health, return from a four-day mission to the affected countries.
New funding of €29 million will be made available by the European Commissionfor transporting vital aid supplies and equipment to the affected countries, evacuation of infected international aid workers to hospitals in Europe and training and deploying health workers to the ground. Money will also reinforce local health facilities.
Of this total, €12 million is for assistance to the neighbours of the affected countries, to help them prepare for the risk of an Ebola outbreak through early detection and public awareness measures.
... The European Union's total contribution is close to €1.1 billion.
Sweden has announced that it will deploy, via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, 42 doctors, nurses and other health personnel who will run a treatment centre on the ground.
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